Galaxies, giant gas clouds and billions of stars
fill the endless void. Meteorites pass by,
spinning across space. A feint, unnatural humming
noise can be heard, occasionally there is a more
intense burst of sound. The camera locks on to a
large meteorite as it hurtles past and tracks it.
A vast metallic hull fills the scene and the
meteorite diminishes to nothing until it bursts
in a green pool of energy close to the ship,
identifying the source of the intense sound.
More meteorites fly by, some colliding with the
ships shields. At the point of contact the
shields ripple with green pools of energy. The
camera fixes on a large window in the control
tower as the enormous vessel lumbers towards us.
The ship continues to get closer until we fly
straight into the control room. Inside, the walls
are covered with hi-tech control panels, monitors
and equipment. Amongst all the flashing lights
are six crew of the LMS-Explorer: |
six crew are specialists in their fields of expertise,
they include a geologist, a pilot, a vehicle driver, a
sailor an engineer and the captain. As they skillfully
manoeuvre their way through the meteors, their sensors
pick up an unusual space time disturbance pattern
exerting a tremendous gravitational pull. The captain
orders his crew to divert all power to the forward
thrusters to try and break free. But taking away the
power from the shields means that they will not be able
to stop the meteors hitting the ship. Its a gamble
they must take as they are being sucked towards the black
hole, now looming up on their Visual Display unit at the
front of the Ships bridge. It seems to be working
and the great lumbering hull is managing to fight against
the powerful gravitational force when suddenly the
sensors pick up an even bigger problem. A huge meteor is
also caught in the grip of the gravitational pull and it
starts to swirl in an arc, as if it was water going down
a plug hole.
captain knows what is about to happen and orders
for the power to be transferred back to the main
shields, but it is too late, the shields take
time to power up and the meteor has already gone
through the outer shields perimeter and the inner
shields will never be able to withstand the
impact of such a large meteor.
Crash ! The meteor smashes a huge hole in the
side of the ship sending the crew flying through
the air, the bridge is momentarily plunged into
darkness and then the flashing red emergency
lights automatically come on, the klaxon horn is
sounding the alarm, the crew have to act fast to
try and save the ship. As they scramble to their
positions, the crew realize that the impact has
damaged the power lines leading from the energy
crystals, which, having undergone tremendous
energy stress are almost completely exhausted. |
biggest problem is that without the energy crystals to
power the cargo ship, the gravitational pull of the black
hole is now sucking them into itself. As the crew spiral
through the black hole, they find themselves emerging
into a whole new galaxy.
The captain steers the ship towards the nearest planet,
hoping that the energy crystals will hold out until they
can reach the planets orbit. Using all his skill he
is able to maintain a safe orbit just above the
planets atmosphere. Time is of the essence, they
must make repairs to the ships hull and more
importantly replenish their stock of energy crystals, if
they are to have any chance of returning through the
black hole and completing their mission. A geological
survey of the planet reveals seams of energy crystals and
ore, but the sensors cannot be accurate as they are
operating on very low power. The only way to extract the
valuable ore and energy crystals is to send the Rock
Raider team down and to locate and mine these precious
minerals as soon as possible. As the crew tele-port down
to the planet to mine, they do realize how perilous a
task this may be